General Listing

The following are cultivars introduced by other hybridizers. The prices are listed per division, usually 3-5 fans. The notations after the hybridizers’ names indicate awards received. HM = Honorable Mention, AM = Award of Merit, SSM = Stout Silver Medal (the highest award possible in the daylily world). The photos are taken by me, in my garden. Most of them have lived here, unpampered, for at least 4 years and many have been used in my hybridizing program. It may seem disloyal to move them out once I’ve gleaned their genetics, but space is at a premium here at the prairie’s edge.


Click on the photo or cultivar name to see a larger image.


Aliens in the Garden*



(Gossard 2011) HM 2014, AM 2019 7”/34” tall, 3-4br/20 buds, Tetraploid, Mid season, dormant   Garnet red with a green throat, patterned sepals and petals. This unusual form crispate cascade has some rebloom here.

Baby Blue Eyes



(Shooter-E. 1999) HM 2005, ATG 2011 4”/20” tall, 3br/18 buds, Diploid, Mid season, semi-evergreen   Lavender purple with a washed blue eye above a chartreuse lemon throat. Triangular shape, lightly ruffled and creped.

Bahama Butterscotch*



(Salter-E.H. 1990) HM 1998 4”/18” tall, Tetraploid, Early-mid, semi-evergreen   Round and ruffled amber butterscotch blend with a green throat. Taller than 18″ here with great branching. Passes on branching and rebloom to offspring. Great substance.

Barrister’s Choice*               



(Clement 2007) HM 2016 7”/36” tall, 2-3br/13 buds, Tetraploid, Mid season, dormant   Purple with yellow green throat, lighter water mark. The petals are crispate and the sepals often quill.

Belle of Ashwood*



(Norris 2005) HM 2008 5”/28” tall, Tetraploid, Early-mid, dormant, Reblooms   Clear pink with gold bubbled edge above green throat, heavy budding, heat and rain proof. Consistently shows instant rebloom which it passes on to its offspring. Belle is the plant that started me on a mission to create my own northern rebloomers, and is a parent of 5 out of 10 of my first introductions.

Black Eyed Jester



(Gossard 2004) 5”/38” tall, Diploid, Mid season, evergreen    Northern hardy evergreen. Smokey purple with a dark purple-black eye, sometimes with a metallic edge. Very green throat. Good for creating patterns. Very pod and pollen fertile.

Blue Stardust*



(Simpson-E. 2013) 4½”/33” tall, 4-5 br/29-40 buds, Tetraploid, Mid season, semi-evergreen   Vivid blue-purple eye with an etched edge and matching picotee on the petals. Vigorous rebloomer with excellent branching and budcount. Fertile both ways, passes on great plant habit and pretty faces to offspring. Good parent for me!

Bradley Bernard



(Reinke 1996) HM 2004 7”/38” tall, Diploid, Mid season, semi-evergreen   Mauve brushed purple with purple halo and green throat. Unusual form cascade. Vigorous in my garden.

Burnin’ Down The House*



(Owen 2010) HM 2018 6.25”/28” tall, 4 br/24 buds, Tetraploid, Early-mid, dormant   Blood red with multiple water mark pattern. Registered as a rebloomer, but not for me in Northern Illinois.

Captain Jack*



(Schaben 2007) HM 2011 6”/30”tall, 3br/20 buds Tetraploid Early-mid, dormant   Bitone with light violet sepals, dark violet petals, and a huge chartreuse throat. Fertile both ways. Gold, silver, and white sharks teeth pass on to offspring to produce dramatic unusual forms. I have several nice seedlings from C J and am registering one in 2024.

Carole Jean Pardoe*



(Culver 2013) 6”/36”tall, 3-4br/25+buds, Tetraploid,Mid-late, dormant   Orange-red with red chevron eye and ruffled edge, yellow green throat. Vigorous, showy cultivar from Ontario. Great parent for me (LIPSTICK OVERLOAD), throwing saturated color, nice form, and good branching.

Catch You Later*



(Mussar 2014) 6”/40”tall, 5br/20 buds, Tetraploid. Mid-late, dormant   Raspberry rose pink with pale pink watermark and bright green throat. Canadian bred with good plant habit inherited from a Rekamp favorite.

Changing Latitudes



(Shooter-E. 1998) HM 2006 4½”/26”tall, 4br/24 buds, Diploid, Mid season, dormant   Reverse bitone with triple eyezone. Diamond dusted with good substance. Reblooms for me and is a good parent.

Chariot of Clouds*



(Emmerich 2012) 7”/34”tall, 3br/17 buds, Tetraploid, Mid season, semi-evergreen   Cranberry rose with a darker rose eye, pink watermark and pink ruffled edge trimmed with ivory. Great parent for large ruffled blooms with saturated color. Parent of one of my 2024 introductions.

Coldbear Rapport



(Murphy-J.P. 2010) 7”/40”tall, 2br/15 buds, Diploid, Mid season, semi-evergreen   Reddish lavender with muted purple and slate patterned eyezone. Unusual form, cascade. Reblooms some for me and is a good parent.

Destined To See*



(Grace-L. 1998) HM 2002, AM 2007 6”/24”tall, 4br/25 buds, Tetraploid, Early-mid, evergreen   Cream yellow with lavender eye and edge, yellow green throat. Unusual form with pinched petals. Hardy in my zone 4b garden.

Dreams of Heaven



(Shooter-E. 2005) 7½”/29”tall, 6br/23 buds, Diploid, Mid season, semi-evergreen   Rose mauve with a huge lavender mauve stippled eyezone. Good substance. Cool morning opener.

Elegant Shell



(Carpenter-K. 1991) 6”/26”tall, Diploid, Early-mid, dormant   Pale pink self with green throat, raised cream midribs, sturdy branching. Good substance and lovely flat, open face. Color clarifier which often reblooms for me.

Elizabeth Salter*



(Salter 1990) JC 1991, HM 1995, AM 1998, SSM 2000 6”/22”tall Tetraploid, Mid season, semi-evergreen   Light melon pink with a golden halo and yellow throat. Wide overlapping petals have fluffy ruffles. Always opens with consistently good form. A classic.

Face of the Stars*



(Lambertson 2002) 6”/28” tall, 6br/25 buds, Tetraploid, Mid season, semi-evergreen   Round, bold red violet with steely red violet eye and white teeth. Takes time to settle in. Fertile both ways.

Fallen Leaves*



(Bremer 2008) 6”/25” tall, 6br/25 buds, Tetraploid, Very late, dormant   Orange-peach with darker eyezone, green throat, ruffles/hooks/braids, fast increase. Starts blooming mid August. Vigorous and taller in my garden than registered height. Bred in Wisconsin. Parent of TAKE A BOW, PRAIRIE’S EDGE.

Fountain of Life*



(Emmerich 2009) 5½”/28” tall, 3-4br/17 buds, Tetraploid, Mid season, semi-evergreen, Reblooms   Dark pink-lavender with gray lavender eye, gray lavender edge with ivory ruffles trimmed with gold. Consistent rebloomer. Outstanding parent for me, passing on rebloom to offspring. Parent of HEATHER’S HOPE.

Gospel Truth*



(Emmerich 2014) 5½”/32” tall, 4br/25 buds, Tetraploid, Mid-late, dormant, Reblooms   Magenta purple with a darker purple eye and edge, trimmed with ivory. Early morning opener, great foliage, strong performer with some to lots of instant rebloom. Pod and pollen fertile.

Grey Witch



(Reed 1999) HM 2005, AM 2009 6”/30” tall, 2br/15 buds, Diploid, Early-mid, dormant   Grey-lavender spider with a black purple eye and lemon throat. Very vigorous, good parent.

Handwriting on the Wall*



(Emmerich 2008) HM 2011 6”/24” tall, 4br/18 buds, Tetraploid, Mid season, semi-evergreen   Dusty pink with a wine lavender patterned eye, lavender edge trimmed with ivory gold filigree, and a yellow to light olive throat. It has attractive slender foliage and the clump increases rapidly. Very hardy, bred in Minnesota.

Heavenly Pink Butterfly



(Gossard 2004) 6”/49”tall, 3br/18 buds, Diploid, Mid season, dormant   Pink bitone with dark pink eye, and a very green throat. Sepals lie flat and petals re-curve, giving a 3D effect. Very showy, Good parent for me, passing on a form that I like and saturated color because of the green throat.




(Stamile 2002) HM 2022 9”/33”tall, 5br/30 buds, Tetraploid, Extra early, evergreen   Bordeaux red with a huge celery green throat. Out-facing blooms with sepals that curl like a spring. In my garden doesn’t have the branching and budcount as registered, but is a showy, hardy spider variant with excellent substance. Early morning opener, fertile both ways.

Highland Pinched Fingers*



(Toll 1991) HM 2007 8”/30”tall, 3br/15 buds, Tetraploid, Mid season, semi-evergreen   Big flashy orange polychrome with a huge chartreuse throat and a fine gold edge. Vigorous spider variant. Fertile both ways and a good parent for me.

I Can Only Imagine*



(Ripley 2011) 6 ½”/39”tall, 3br/18 buds, Tetraploid, Early-mid, dormant   Medium bluish purple with a bluish lavender watermark and a double purple metallic edge. Never a bad hair day. Easy parent, throwing large kids. Reblooms in Iowa for Ripley.

Intelligent Design*



(Emmerich 2003) HM 2007, AM 2011 6”/36” tall, 3br/15 buds, Tetraploid, Early-mid, semi-evergreen   Pink-lavender with patterned merlot eye, green throat which spreads onto sepals. Passes pattern, good scapes and rebloom to kids. Bred in Minnesota.

Intricate Eyes*



(Lambertson 1995) 5½”/22” tall, Tetraploid, Early-mid, semi-evergreen   Light blue-violet with blue eye. Eye and gold picotee edge penciled with dark violet above a green throat. One of the early cultivars used to create patterned eyes.

Jelly Dancer



(Herr 2010) HM 2016 7”/52” tall, 3br/25 buds, Diploid, Late, dormant, Budbuilder   Maroon with a darker eye above a yellow to green throat. Unusual form cascade.

Jumpin’ At The Woodside



(Bachman 2011) JC 2011 6”/36” tall, 3br/20 buds, Diploid, Mid-late, semi-evergreen   Lavender with purple veins and a green throat. Unusual form, crispate.

Lake Effect*



(Stamile 1997) JC 1997, HM 2003 7.25”/23” tall, 4br/28 buds, Tetraploid, Mid, dormant   Huge mauve purple with blue-gray lavender eye & edge. Gives nice edges to kids. Fertile both ways.

Last Butterfly*



(Bremer 2010) 7½”/36” tall, 4br/25 buds, Tetraploid, Mid-late, dormant   Clear pink with a muted chalky eye. Unusual form, crispate-spatulate. Fertile both ways.

Laughing Skies*



(Stamile 2004) HM 2012, AM 2017 10”/38” tall, 3br/21 buds, Tetraploid, Extra early, evergreen   Diamond dusted clear lavender with a green throat. Spider that twists and cascades. EMO, fertile both ways.

Legends of the Fall



(Bremer 2005) 6½”/36” tall, 4br/26 buds, Diploid, Early-mid & Very Late, dormant, Reblooms   Lavender pink with white midrib, great plant habit, massive scapes. Cool morning opener bred in Wisconsin. A parent of one of my introductions (STAND THE WORLD ON ITS EAR).

Lindy Twirl



(Warrell 2003) 8”/28” tall, 3br/12 buds, Diploid, Mid-late, dormant   Unusual form crispate. Purple with deep red violet eye above a green throat.

Lunar Empire*



(Derrow 2010) 5½”/36” tall, 4br/30 buds, Tetraploid, Mid season, semi-evergreen   Lemon yellow self above a light green throat. Heavy toothy ruffling. Registered as a rebloomer, but not in my garden. However, it’s an outstanding garden performer and very showy.

Memorial to Steve*



(Norris 2008) HM 2011 6”/34” tall, 6br/60 buds, Tetraploid, Mid season, semi-evergreen   Lavender pink with gold edge, green throat, self cleaning (deadheading not necessary), very strong & vigorous, dark green foliage, tree like branching. Fertile both ways.

Midnight in Burgess*



(Albers 2009) HM 2018 4.75”/25” tall, 3br/18 buds, Tetraploid, Mid-late, dormant   Black purple with a narrow red band above a green yellow throat. Very vigorous in my garden, making a showy clump. I haven’t tried to set pods on it, but the pollen is fertile. Fragrant.

Mildred Mitchell*



(Mitchell 1999) HM 2002, AM 2006 7”/26” tall, 4br/26 buds, Tetraploid, Early-mid, evergreen   Pinkish lavender with blue tinted eye & matching 3/8″ edge, crispate, hardy with some rebloom in my garden.

Monacan Trail



(Murphy-J.P. 2005) HM 2011 8”/49” tall, 3br/26-45 buds, Diploid, Early-mid, dormant   This fragrant, robust budbuilder can bloom for 80 days. A great parent for me, passing on the green throat, purple band and open form. As of 10/2023 has 22 registered offspring, one of which is my SET IT SPINNING.

Napa valley Frost*



(Simpson-E. 2012) 5½”/28” tall, 4br/22 buds, Tetraploid, Early-mid, semi-evergreen   Violet mulberry with pale lavender blue eye and bright green triangular throat. Registered as a rebloomer, but doesn’t in my garden. However, there are a couple of very pretty kids from it on the ADS database, also registered as rebloomers.

Night Embers*




(Stamile 1997) IM 2007 5”/30” tall, Tetraploid, Early-mid, semi-evergreen   Fragrant dark cherry red double with white picotee edges, creating a lacy effect. Well branched, vigorous, pod and pollen fertile.

No Blue Oxfords*



(Norris 2004) HM 2010 5½”/37” tall, 4br/30 buds, Tetraploid, Early-mid, dormant, Reblooms   Lavender pink with a purple eye & edge outlined in gold with a green to yellow throat. 2 scapes/fan, with 2nd emerging as 1st begins bloom. Good parent for me, passing on nice branching, and often rebloom.

Politically Incorrect



(Clement 2010) 6½”/34” tall, 4br/21 buds, Diploid, Mid-late, dormant   Pinkish lavender with a darker eye & veins, green throat. Quilled, Unusual Form crispate

Queensbury Rules*



(Moldovan 2005) 6”/34” tall, 4br/25 buds, Tetraploid, Early-mid, semi-evergreen   Imperial purple blend with smokey grey violet eye & picotee edge, green-yellow throat, flat, dark green foliage, vigorous.

Remembering Joan*



(Schaben 2001) HM 2004 6”/28” tall, 4br/25-30 buds, Tetraploid, Mid, evergreen   Violet purple with a rose watermark, green throat, fine white edge. Nice candelabra branching, very winter hardy (hybridized in Minnesota), consistent performer. Fertile both ways.

Rolling Like a River



(Shooter-E. 2001) 7”/46” tall, 4br/21 buds, Diploid, Early-mid, dormant   Light yellow with a center blaze of green. Open Unusual Form spatulate with sepals that curl & crimp. Great substance. Very showy because of its color and size. Fertile both ways. 

Royal Occasion



(Apps 1990) HM 1994 4½”/26” tall, 3-5 branches, Diploid, Mid season, semi-evergreen   Bold black violet with a black eye zone, veining & edging and a bright green throat. Good substance. Scapes are taller in my garden than as registered. Passes on good saturated color.

Sally Sue’s Sister



(McCutchen 2012) 7”/48” tall, 4br/20 buds, Diploid, Mid season, semi-evergreen   Light purple with a dark purple eye, white halo & edges. Large green throat with some patterning. Bud builder with some rebloom. Fertile both ways and passes on white edge.

Sam Abell*



(Norris 2010) HM 2014 6½”/34” tall, 3br/22 buds, Tetraploid, Early-mid, dormant   Cream with a purple eye and ½” wide purple edge outlined in gold to white. Cool morning and early morning opener. Easily fertile both ways, producing phenomenal kids with double and triple edges and bold eyes with saturated color.

Scattered Through Time*



(Bremer 2013) 5 ½”/27” tall, 2-4br/25-30 buds, Tetraploid, Mid-late, dormant   Chalky eyezone with a gold edge that is passed to its offspring. Makes a great clump. Easily fertile both ways, and reblooms for me, so I have used it a lot. Passes on the showy edge. Registering one of its offspring in 2024.

Silken Temptress*



(Pearce-G. 2015) 5.75”/24” tall, 4br/16 buds, Tetraploid, Early, evergreen   Blushed cream with heavy buttery ruffling and light midribs over a deep green throat. Every flower perfect. Registered as a rebloomer, producing a long season of bloom. Easily fertile both ways. Hardy here in Northern Illinois. Fragrant.

Smoke Scream



(Gossard 2004) HM 2008 6½”/42” tall, 3br/15 buds, Diploid, Mid season, semi-evergreen   Smokey purple with a dark purple eye. Green-white throat extends onto petals & sepals. UFO crispate. Extremely sun fast & rain resistant. Very fertile both ways.

Smuggler’s Revelry*



(Branch 2001) 4″/26” tall, 4br/35 buds, Tetraploid, Mid season, dormant, Reblooms   Rose mango blend with light mango watermark, yellow to lime green throat. Bloom sometimes has more than 3 petals and sepals, or has extra tissue on the petal’s rib.

Sorcerer’s Masquerade*



(Holmes-S. 2011) 8″/40” tall, 4br/16 buds, Tetraploid, Mid season, dormant   Dark burgundy purple with a faintly darker eye, green throat, and paler edges with small ruffles. It has different looks depending on the temperature and time of day. Lays flat on cool days and is a reverse bitone of gray purple with a dark burgundy purple eye. Fertile both ways. Vigorous clump in my garden.

Spacecoast Dragon Prince*



(Kinnebrew 2002) HM 2005 6½/32” tall, 3br/35 buds, Tetraploid, Early-mid, semi-evergreen   Cream with a patterned hot pink eye lined with red and a double edge of red and cream. Stunning presence in the garden. Registered as a rebloomer.

Spirit Fox*



(Culver 2001) HM 2011 6”/27” tall, 3br/18buds, Tetraploid, Mid season, dormant   Spiced orange self, yellow throat, green heart. Vigorous, showy Canadian bred beauty with great substance.

Stenciled Impressions*



(Stamile 2002) 4.25”/24” tall, 5br/45 buds, Tetraploid, Extra Early, dormant   Mauve rose with a multi-eyed pattern above a green throat. Recommended by Stamile for producing patterns in kids. Registered as a rebloomer, but doesn’t do that for me, and the branching & budcount also isn’t as high as registered. But I have gotten some nicely patterned offspring.

Strawberry Candy*



(Stamile 1989) HM 1993, ATG 1994, DCS 1995, AM 1996, SSM 1998 4½”/26” tall, Tetraploid, Early-mid, semi-evergreen   Strawberry pink with a rose red eye and ruffled edge picoteed with a thin red line. Petals curl back. Profuse bloomer, reblooms some for me and passes it on to offspring.

Substantial Evidence



(Norris 2003) HM 2008 6”/33” tall, 3br/20 buds, Diploid, Mid season, dormant   Yellow with orange overlay and green throat. Sun & rain proof, nocturnal opener. Color varies with temp and time of day. Passes on flat form and great substance to its offspring. Parent of 2 of my introductions (GOPHER IT and FOREST CITY QUEEN)

Surfing on the Styx*



(Schaben 2001) 4”/26” tall, 4br/30 buds, Tetraploid, Early-mid, dormant   Dark rose with broken black and gray eye pattern above green throat. Its Minnesota hybridizer used it for creating patterns. Registered as a rebloomer. Fertile both ways and very vigorous.

Sweet June*



(Ripley 2013) 7”/29” tall, 3br/18 buds, Tetraploid, Mid-late, semi-evergreen   Fragrant cream with a lavender blushed eye on petals and sepals, crimped lavender edge and green throat. Its form works well to produce UFs and spiders. A good color clarifier, June is vigorous and fertile both ways.

The Dish Ran Away With The Spoon*



Faulkner 2013 5”/36” tall, 5br/25 buds, Tetraploid, Mid season, semi-evergreen   Mauve with large green throat etched in violet. Unusual form spatulate, good plant habit, reblooms for me. Faulkner advises that it doesn’t do well warmer than zone 7.

The Tribble With Blue*



(Derrow 2011) 5.75”/18“ tall, Tetraploid, Early-mid, dormant   Cream white petals, violet blue patterned eye with a magenta band, triple edge of white, violet blue, and magenta. Hybridizer notes that rebloom scapes are taller. Good pattern breeder.

Through The Looking Glass*



(Petit 2001) 6”/24“ tall, Tetraploid, Mid season, semi-evergreen   Salmon-pink with complex eye of 8 bands, green throat. Pattern’s appearance varies with temperature. Good parent for me.

Undivided Heart*



(Emmerich 2008) 5”/26” tall, 4br/20 buds, Tetraploid, Mid, semi-evergreen   Pale peachy pink with red eye & edge above olive throat. Grows very rapidly. Scapes are more consistent when not crowded. Bred in Minnesota.

Violetta Vernetta*



(Owen 2009) 6”/28” tall, 3br/22 buds, Tetraploid, Early-mid, dormant, Reblooms   Apricot self with heavily ruffled edge, consistent round form, very good substance, and often 2 scapes/fan (which it passes to its offspring, along with its beautiful edge). Great breeder for me (thank you, Paul Owen!).

Vision of Glory*



(Benz 2005) 5”/26” tall, 3br/25 buds, Tetraploid, Mid season, dormant, Reblooms   Medium purple with a gold edge. Circular form with heavy substance. Reblooms for me and often passes rebloom to offspring. Pod and pollen fertile. Early morning opener.

Viva Pinata*



(Gossard 2008) 8”/28” tall, 3-4br/18-22 buds, Tetraploid, Mid season, semi-evergreen   Yellow with an eyezone that ripples from blue purple to maroon. The petals have a small maroon edge partway out and small teeth. VP has a green throat and is an early morning opener. It is an unusual form spatulate, is fertile both ways, and is registered as a rebloomer.

Web of Intrigue*



(Stamile 1999) HM 2003, ESB 2006, RWM 2007, AM 2007 6”/30” tall, 5br/35 buds, Tetraploid, Extra Early, evergreen   The first tetraploid to bloom in my garden. Opens flat & early with good substance. Pale orange sherbet with etched pattern of ½” lavender band between 2 purple bands, citron green throat. Vigorous and reblooms some for me. Good parent!

Whip City Vicanator*



(Jones-L. 2013) 9”/42” tall, 3br/15 buds, Tetraploid, Mid season, dormant   Pale lavender with a very large green-yellow throat. Sepals pinch reversed on some days, cascade on others. Unusual form crispate. WCV is pod and pollen fertile and has given me some fun seedlings. I plan to use it extensively in 2023.

Wilson Spider



(Wilson-Oakes 1987) HOS 1994, HM 2006, AM 2009 8”/28” tall, Diploid, Mid season, dormant   Purple bitone spider with a white eyezone & chartreuse throat. Wilson Spider has a long standing as a good garden plant.

Yellow Titan*



(Gossard 2004) 10”/43” tall, 3br/15 buds, Tetraploid, Mid season, dormant   Ruffled yellow with a small green throat, Blue-green foliage resists spring sickness & leaf streak. Unusual form, crispate. Fertile both ways.