The turkeys made a path to the bird feeder this winter.
"We're not dead yet!" Culled seedling clumps that didn't make it to the compost pile last year are putting up foliage in spite of sitting out of the ground all winter.
The definition of a weed is 'a plant where you don't want it', so I don't consider these Johnny Jump Ups in my seedling bed, weeds.
Hummingbird moth
Daylily divisions drying before getting shipped to customers.
Cindy and Chrissie with their raspberry harvest.
A dragonfly rests on daylily foliage
Ivy, Aurora, and Luna planting their seedlings
Aurora & Luna using their culling skills in their seedling bed.
A skipper butterfly in your hooks is worth 2 on the bloom.
Sue is used to having feline supervision when she helps me plant
Squeak checks the moisture level of the potting medium
Sweet autumn clematis in September
Oriental Lily Casa Blalnca
3 pods of this cross yielded 72 seeds
Seed pod ready to be picked
Luna weeding her patch
I wish I could still squat like this
The only tree frog that I actually saw this summer
My granddaughters sorting their 2023 seedlings
Friends visit in July
Stink bug doing pilates
A visitor taking advantage of the many photo ops
My outdoor office behind what I call my 'bullpen' of registered daylilies.
An invitation to walk in and sit down, but who has time for that?
2017 bed now home to 2023 seedlings.
3 sibling seedlings from the same pot.
"Squeak, that is NOT a litterbox!"
Aurora and Luna planting their 2023 seeds
Seed pods get collected in an egg carton.
Pergola office in the fall
Sumac at the Prairie's Edge
Summer perennials starting to bloom, July 2021
A bird would have to be crazy to use this for its babies.
We dig daylilies!
Seedling patches beyond the pergola bed
Praying mantis at work
Luna and Aurora planting their 2022 seedlings
Shade garden surrounds the back deck
Junior hybridizer, Aurora, pollinates using one of her own seedlings!
Ivy recording her crosses
Seedling in Ivy's 2018 patch
Luna crossing 2 of her seedlings
July 2021 - Hybridizers' Clinic
Another species of mantis...1 of over 2400 different ones
Squeak picks a seed pod to play with.
Stone steps in spring, 2021
Donkey Tail Spurge and Johnny Jump Ups
Spring blooms along path on east side of the house
Iris, lupines and centauria in the pergola bed
Fall colors on the east side of the house
Sweet autumn clematis...a sign that the daylily bloom season is coming to an end
Mums and zinnias in the burgundy & orange themed bed
Sunflowers are the last blooms standing in the pergola bed
A female mantis laying her egg case...a sure sign that the 2021 bloom season is over
March 2020 - honey bee feeding on Winter Aconite
July 2020
Hummingbird Hawk Moth heading for a snack
Staying safe in the seedling patch
a molting mantis
new day, new skin
Sales bed in July
Thanks to this year's volume of rain, frogs have moved into the neighborhood.
Fall 2020 - 4th seedling bed at west gardens under construction.
April 28, 2019 - a test for hardiness
Spring 2019, my new outdoor office taking shape
The finished pergola, except for the trellis around each corner
July 2019...first bloom of seedlings planted in 2018
My granddaughters regularly check on the toad population.
Aurora multitasking with a stamen in one hand and freshly picked raspberries in the other.
Culling....the hardest part of hybridizing.
A hybridizer's best friends
Luna and Aurora help prepare divisions for the 2019 WDS club sale
Aurora tagging divisions
Bumble bee breakfast
June 2018 - 1,200 seedlings, 1 month in the ground
June 2018 - first bloom starting for 2017 crop
Finch feeding station
Evaluation Bed, West Gardens
Butterflies Welcome
July 2018 - 2015 seedlings at the East Garden
May 2017 - First bloom starting for 2016 crop
Junior Hybridizers, planting their seedlings in the 2017 patch
Break time
Napping tree frog
Natural Pesticide
August 2017 - dividing clumps shortly after a hip replacement
Nov 2017 - gathering statistics
2016 Patch in Progress
Preparing new seedlings for planting
A busy pollinator
Bull pen
Help from a friend evaluating in the East Garden
Love in the lily patch
Fall, 2016 in the West Gardens
Summer 2015 - Our old yard bursting at the seams
Not much grass left to dig up
Only room left here to mow between the beds
Standard hybridizer solution - find a property with room for more daylilies.
July 2015...moving day
October 2015 - Bull pen in its new home
East garden also bursting at the seams with 3 crops of seedlings.
No room left for my 2015 crop. Too many trees in the way.
A Choice Between Trees and Daylilies
Tree corpses on right ready to be removed for 2015 seedling patch
We love our garden spiders
A Dancing Web
2014 Crop Freshly Planted at the East Garden
One year later
A friend with a 100 acre nursery gave me space for my 2012 seedlings
June 2011 - first seedling crop took up the whole vegetable garden